
The deleter component is a scripted component that detects and deletes entities. For further details on all properties associated with this component and how to use this component with scripting, please see the API documentation.


The deleter component properties that are accessible through the inspector.


The detection geometry is one of the following:

  • Bounding Sphere - A bounding sphere around the entity and its descendants.
  • Bounding Box - A bounding box around the entity and its descendants.


The display method determines how the entity should be displayed when the simulation is running. It is one of the following:

  • None - The entity is hidden.
  • Standard - The entity is displayed.
  • Highlighted - The entity is displayed and highlighted.


The collision layer for detecting entities. Entities with layers that are set to collide with the specified layer will be deleted when contacting the deleter.


Whether entities with kinematic rigid bodies should be detected.