ProtoTwin supports importing CAD and other 3D assets. CAD can be imported directly from Onshape. Alternatively, geometry can be exported from your CAD software to the glTF file format and imported into ProtoTwin. You can also import other ProtoTwin models into your current model.
Importing Files
The glTF format has become the industry standard specification for the exchange/transmission of 3D geometry. ProtoTwin has native support for the glTF 2.0 format. We recommend using the GLB-variant, which encapsulates all the data into a single file with an efficient binary format.
You can import other ProtoTwin (.ptm) models into your current model. The light, floor and camera are not imported by default. The import will fail if your scripts contain conflicts.

Importing from Onshape
CAD can be imported directly from Onshape. Switch to the Onshape tab and select from any of your Onshape documents to import. This process may take a few seconds, since an Onshape document must be translated to glTF before being imported. This translation is performed automatically. You can click the info button to open your document in Onshape. If you have already imported an element into your ProtoTwin model and made changes to the CAD in Onshape, you can click the sync button to syncronize your changes. If you have added components to the CAD in ProtoTwin, we try to keep these components when synchronizing your changes from Onshape.