Suction Gripper
The suction gripper component is a scripted component that grips entities. For further details on all properties associated with this component and how to use this component with scripting, please see the API documentation.
The suction gripper can be enabled/disabled by setting the state to true/false respectively. To simulate the act of gripping, a physics fixed joint is created between the rigid body of the suction gripper and the rigid body of the gripped entity.
The suction gripper component properties that are accessible through the inspector.
The start of the detection beam. You can click the select button to select a feature (crease/curve) from the mesh, to be used as the origin. Hover over the feature you want to select and left-click to confirm the selection.
The direction of the detection beam. You can click the select button to select a feature (crease/curve) from the mesh, to be used as the direction. Hover over the feature you want to select and left-click to confirm the selection. You can right click whilst hovering to negate the direction of the arrow.
The maximum range at which entities can be gripped.
Whether the vacuum pump is running, allowing entities to be gripped.
The collision layer for entities that can be gripped. Entities with layers that are set to collide with the specified layer can be gripped by the gripper.
Whether entities with kinematic rigid bodies should be gripped.