Getting Started

ProtoTwin is an online platform for real-time rendering and animation, virtual reality, physics simulation, industrial automation, machine building, controls testing, virtual commissioning, robotics and machine learning. The software runs entirely inside your web browser, so you can work on your projects from anywhere.

Hardware Requirements

Real-time simulation is computationally demanding. Our architecture is designed to leverage the full capabilities of modern hardware. Please ensure that your computer meets or exceeds the recommended minimum specification below:

PC (Windows / Linux)
Minimum Good Best
Processor Intel i7 4-Core Intel i7 8-Core Intel i9 24-Core
Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
Memory 8GB RAM 16GB RAM 32GB RAM
Apple Mac
Minimum Good Best
Processor Apple M4 Apple M4 Pro Apple M4 Max
Memory 16GB RAM 24GB RAM 32GB RAM

Faster hardware will allow you to simulate larger models in real-time. ProtoTwin uses a minimum of 3 threads. The first thread is dedicated to running the user interface. The second and third are dedicated to rendering and simulation respectively. For models that contains physics, ProtoTwin will spawn up several additional threads for physics calculations. Models containing thousands of rigid bodies will benefit more from processors with many cores. Some CPUs targeted towards servers may not be suitable since they may sacrifice single-core performance to achieve higher core counts.

It is possible to run ProtoTwin on laptops with integrated GPUs, but performance will be significantly lower. Try setting the Render Quality under Graphics Settings to Low and/or the Render Scale to 50% in order to improve rendering performance.

All brands of CPUs and GPUs are supported, including Intel, AMD and ARM processors. ProtoTwin Simulate runs on all major operating systems, including Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. ProtoTwin Connect only supports 64-bit Windows at this time.

Software Requirements

You only need a web browser to run ProtoTwin. Most modern web browsers are compatible, however some older or more restricted browsers may not be. It is important to check that your browser supports Shared Array Buffer, WebGL 2.0 and Offscreen Canvas.

We recommend using an up-to-date version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox. Safari is not currently supported.

Creating an Account

You must create an account to use any of our software products. You can sign-up using a Google account, Microsoft account or Onshape account. Alternatively, you can sign-up with any valid email address.